Chinwag's Old Blog: Fake Conference For 419ers

The number 419 may mean nothing to you. However, if you've had an email address for a while the chances are a solicitation has slipped through your spam filters enticing you to send your bank details off to Nigeria to share in untold wealth.

The 4-1-9 scam is particularly well known, with both the US Secret Service and the Nigerian Government setting up websites devoted to tackling the problem.

In the cold light of day, the opportunity has to be too good to be true. Getting your mitts on millions of dollars that have been left in someone's bank account, if you just sent your bank details, you'd smell a rat, right? Surprisingly many people don't, with one website claiming that the scam is between the 3rd and 5th largest industry in Nigeria.

If you've seen lots of these emails over the years, you'll recognise some of the names at this 3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference. And no, it's not for-real. Funny though.
