Keep the Kids (And Geeks) In Your Household Happy This Christmas

Pleo Flickr picture

I may have found THE perfect geek Christmas present with only...49 shopping days to spare. Well done me.

It's a tiny interactive dino robot, that goes by the name of Pleo.

It's the brainchild of "Mr FurbyCaleb Chung, who told the story behind the little robodino at this year's Thinking Digital (25% discount for Chinwaggers on the 2010 event) - video below...

Underneath that squidgy green dermis lies a smart little robo-dinosaur. It can be programmed with it's very own IP address and recieves sensory input by way of 38 touch, motion, toe, light and sound sensors. Along with SD memory expansion, it twitches, sneezes, sniffs, yawns, chomps, coughs, blinks and reacts to human interaction with all the faux-lifelike moods and desires you'd expect from a robotic dino baby.

Pleo first came out last year but cost around $350 - just the right price to put anyone but die hard computer geeks off. But now due to some tactile IP address purchasing and a new lowered price tag it's back from the brink of extinction and available to buy at new company, InnvoLabs.

Here's a thought for you. Who would win in a fight between Roboraptor and nicey nicey Pleo?

My money's on Roboraptor. It's not as smart but look at those teeth! Sorry Pleo.

Picture courtesy of elzes. Some rights reserved.