thupr: Social Media Measurement/Monitoring

Event Info

Fri 5 Feb, 2010 from 2:00pm - 6:00pm
45 King William Street
London, EC4R 9AN, UK (Map)
Cost: Free. RSVP required


An event putting together anyone who has developed tools for social media measurement and monitoring with anyone who wants to to see what's out there!

Thanks to the generosity of Sun StartUp Essentials the space, tea and coffee provided, this meet up is completely free to attend. You will need to be signed up to attend: we expect space to be tight!

There are already offers to host 'conversation tables': suggest away as you sign up!

This event is part of Social Media Week. and one of a series of thupr meetups.

 More information about thupr here:

Interactive wiki to add suppliers to invite and share ideas:


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Email / +44 (0) 207 795 8147