Seminar: Putting The Audience Together - Using Social Network Analysis for Business Insights

Event Info

Wed 29 Feb, 2012 from 12:30pm - 5:30pm
Wallacespace, St Pancras
22 Duke's Road
London, WC1H 9PN, UK (Map)
Cost: £395 (earlybird by 31-Jan) / £495


Seminar in Social Network Analysis: Putting The Audience Together - Using Social Network Analysis for Business Insights

Local Social Summit & the Oxford Internet Institute - Present a unique half day seminar on Social Network Analysis (SNA)

When: Wednesday 29 February 2012; 12.30-17.30

Where: Wallacespace, London, WC1H 9PN

Instructor: Dr Bernie Hogan, Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute of Oxford University 

Produced By: Local Social Summit

Limited to only 20 spaces.

Overview: You will learn how to pull a Facebook and Twitter network graph into Excel using NodeXL*. How to interpret social graphs using powerful Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques and then apply insights to your online business, applications, product, community or brand.

Who Should Attend: This course is designed for senior business strategists, data gurus, social media managers, brand managers, product developers and technologists who want to develop skills in advanced social network analysis tools.

*About NodeXL: A Microsoft Research-sponsored open source plug-in tool for network visualisations in MS Excel. Go HERE to download NodeXL (no charge, a free open source plug-in).

Seminar Outline:  Customers build communities, influence opinions and distribute messages. While traditional metrics of engagement help to build decision intelligence, they do not give a sense of the community or communities that power these metrics. Network analysis looks at the flow of information and the structure of friendships to enable a high level overview of where the conversation is headed.

Despite its academic maturity and explanatory power, Social Network Analysis (SNA) is still underused in marketing, policy and business intelligence, planning, strategy and execution. There are three main reasons for this:

  1. Lack of promotion of SNA
  2. Lack of tools - solved with NodeXL
  3. Lack of literacy

This seminar will provide all three: Social Network Analysis 101, the tools and literacy.

We cover the use of NodeXL, a free, powerful and scalable add-on for Windows Microsoft Excel 2007+ that enables the capture, visualization and analysis of social networks, from client email lists to Facebook fan pages and twitter hashtag conversations. We demonstrate how to present social networks that are not merely attractive, but also insightful. We give a simple primer on the statistics that power Social Network Analysis (SNA) and, finally instructions on how to read networks for decision making. The session starts with practical examples, and a mapping of audience members' personal networks (a key way to ground insights into Social Network Analysis). We then discuss potential sources of network information, and get participants to read networks collectively. We end by tailoring the session to the needs of the audience and providing pointers to future work.    


12.30-13.30 Optional lunch at Wallacespace

13:30-15.30 Course Part 1:

  • Introduction: Who, what, why Social Network Analysis (SNA)
  • Story of a single network using a Facebook fanpage
  • Theory of key SNA concepts
  • Practical exercise: Map your own Facebook network

15.30-16.00 BREAK

16.00-17.30 Part 2:

  • Tour of three (3) case studies: Facebook, Twitter, Email
  • Group interpretation
  • Q&A/Wrap-up

17.30-18.30 Networking session

Learning Outcomes: During this course you will learn and perform the following exercises -

  1. Download and visualize a social network from a social media site, including the use of thumbnail images, color coding and self-organizing layouts
  2. Understand the three key forms of “importance” in a network: popularity, control and reach
  3. Articulate the three levels of analysis: node, community and network
  4. Understand why some networks look clearer than others
  5. Identify key audience members both visually and numerically

All participants will get:

  • PDF copy of Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World, By: Derek Hansen , Ben Shneiderman & Marc A. Smith (ISBN-10: 0123822297) [Value £27.99]
  • PDF copy of Local Social Summit 2011 Event Report, [Value £100]
  • Lunch, refreshments, snacks and new knowledge

Intended Audience: The course is designed for senior business people in roles across strategy, business planning, product development, data analysis, brand and social media management. The examples and content are built around the media publishing, advertising, marketing and social application space. You should have advanced MS Excel skills.

Pre-requisite: You must have NodeXL preloaded on your own laptop. Instructions will be provided after sign-up.

Instructor Bio: Dr Bernie Hogan, Research Fellow at the University of Oxford University is a leader in the capture and analysis of social media networks, particularly Facebook. He has presented to numerous academic and corporate audiences, such as Local Social Summit, VisionBristol, UK Social Networks Association, Microsoft Research, and Google Europe and has worked with eHarmony, Nokia, and O2. His work has been featured on the BBC, including both BBC Breakfast and Newsnight, as well as numerous radio interviews. Last year, he was one of four academic mentors for Radio 4’s “So you want to be a scientist”. This past year Bernie was honoured with a prestigious Teaching Excellence Award and grant from Oxford University. Bernie received his PhD from the University of Toronto under pioneer Internet sociologist Barry Wellman, and has since worked as a researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute.

For additional information please contact:

Dylan Fuller, Co-Founder, Local Social Summit

Email: dylan[at]

Mobile: 0797 414 4352


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