Udi Dahan's Enterprise Development with NServiceBus

Event Info

Mon 12 Aug, 2013 from 9:00am - 5:30pm
Skills Matter
116-120 Goswell Road
London, EC1V 7DP, UK
Cost: £2295


  • NserviceBus is used by hundreds of companies in finance, healthcare, retail, SaaS, web 2.0, and more. It is the most popular, open-source service bus for .NET.
  • This four day, hands-on workshop teaches you all the ins-and-outs. The new features of version 3.0, how to implement message exchange patterns such as full duplex and pub/sub, design long-running business processes using sagas and how to manage and monitor distributed systems.
  • If you want to see Udi in action then watch his latest live Q&A video at Skills Matter at:
  • http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/design-architecture/june-qa/mh-7852
  • Don't miss out, book your place at:
  • http://skillsmatter.com/course/design-architecture/udi-dahan-nservicebus-workshop/mh-78
  • 52


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