ENGAGE: The London Digital Storytelling Conference

Event Info

Tue 10 Sep, 2013 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Location TBD, check back soon!
Cost: £99.00



Digital Storytelling is evolving for brands, advertisers, film makers, producers and tech companies. The basic principles of “storytelling” remain unchanged. The execution of how to tell a good story has changed. New technologies have created new opportunities for advertisers, brands, and platforms to engage audiences and provide new contexts in which audiences, brands and advertisers can converse and interact. This cross flow is enabled by technology and how content is served up digitally (mobile, video, social media, web, video games, connected TV’s, social TV platforms, tablets and film). Hardware by which we tell stories has changed. The audiences we all want to reach have changed their content consumption patterns as well. What does this mean for the people who create the stories, the people who watch them and the advertisers who enable them. This is the Digital Storytelling Conference.



  • How do you innovate in storytelling?
  • What companies do storytelling well?
  • What are the best campaigns across platforms that have excelled with storytelling?
  • What to do about old ad units that don’t allow storytelling?
  • What’s the best way to tap into new forms of storytelling, like transmedia, gamification, spreadable media and more?
  • Do you tell a story in this new digital ecosystem? When do you know if it is not working?
  • What technologies are the best to employ for great storytelling?
  • How do you harness creativity to move storytelling forward?
  • How do you create immersive experiences and active users?


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