Uncle Bob's Advanced Test Driven Development

Event Info

Wed 25 - Fri 27 Jun, 2014 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Skills Matter
Cost: £2150


Want to join one of the world's leading experts in Clean Code, Uncle Bob Martin, for this hands-on intensive course?

This three-day hands-on Advanced Test Driven Development will explain the principles and practices of Test Driven Development as described in Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices by Uncle Bob. You will also receive this book as part of the course materials.

This is an intense, hands-on and exercise driven Advanced TDD course is written and delivered by Uncle Bob Martin and focuses on the design of clean, robust, and maintainable unit and acceptance tests. You will learn the principles of test design, and the practices of keeping tests clean. More importantly, they will learn the principles of designing applications for testability. Exercises include the refactoring of bad tests, the writing of clean tests, and the design and refactoring of applications to make them testable.

Exercises are in Java, but are applicable to C#, C++, and other object oriented languages.

More details and booking details can be found here - https://skillsmatter.com/courses/417-uncle-bobs-advanced-test-driven-development
