Next steps for apprenticeships and skills development in Scotland

Event Info

Wed 6 Dec, 2017 from 8:30am - 1:00pm
To be confirmed
Edinburgh, EH1, UK
Cost: £210.00


This seminar will provide a timely opportunity for delegates to discuss the next steps for Scotland’s skills development and apprenticeships policy following introduction of the Apprenticeships Levy and the rollout of foundation and graduate apprenticeships.

Delegates will consider options for promoting vocational qualifications as a positive pathway for young people, including the need for increased uptake from groups such as women, BME communities and individuals with disabilities.

Sessions will focus on the rollout of foundation apprenticeships - with delegates assessing how the qualification can develop greater partnership working between education and industry - and the introduction of graduate apprenticeships across Scottish universities, considering their potential impact on addressing the mid-career skills gap.

Further sessions will focus on implementation of the Apprenticeship Levy, introduced in April 2017, and discuss the implications of the Levy on companies working in multiple regions of the United Kingdom. They will look at ways in which to offset uncertainty surrounding the working of the Scottish Government’s Workforce Development Fund, which aims to support employers design and implement workforce development and training programmes.


Westminster Forum Projects: Scotland Policy Conferences
Email / 01344864796