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Subject: Re: FLASH: two mcs in a row.
From: John Croteau
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 15:05:50 GMT

Hi Alice and Michael,

> * What I'm trying to do is this: I'm using labels with mcs in a layer. In a
> * separate layer I have a button. When I click on it the action takes me to
> * the first label and the first mc plays. A few keyframes farther there is
> * another label with another mc in it. Is there a way to put an action to
> * that button that would play the second mc as soon as the first one is done
> * playing?
> Have you already tried to make the distance between the two
> labels the same amount as the frames in the movie clip?
> MC and main movie proceed at the same speed! They will
> still match when the MC has finished, and you can go
> on with the action.
This is quite true but generally it would be better to place all the
action in the Movie Clip.
If there is no action other than that in the Movie Clips then the two
Movie Clips can be placed on adjacent frames with a stop action in the
frame with the first Movie Clip.
Place a Tell Target in the last frame of the first Movie Clip.

Begin Tell Target Target: /
Goto Next Frame
End Tell Target

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  RE: FLASH: two mcs in a row., msk

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