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Subject: Re: FLASH: LONG flash movies and director
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 21:46:41 GMT

[Please don't crosspost -- when newbies try to respond they'll now get "not
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At 1:04 PM 2/26/99, MT wrote:
>The question is are there any performance issues with one Flash movie with
>700+ frames and 65 labels or so, vs. multiple Flash movies with 150 frames/
>13 labels.

If you have one very large Flash movie, then all of it will need to stream
in before you can view the final pieces.

If you have many smaller movies and choose among them in the Shockwave
shell, then it will be pretty fast to access any of these assets.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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