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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash3 Menu hit-state of button problem
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:20:33 GMT

At 07:53 AM 11/30/99 , you wrote:

>I'm rather new to flash and have to work with Flash 3 for some reason. I'am
>working on a menu which controls a site with various html-files. Because
>there is no hit-state for a button to appear in

I'm confused about what you mean here. The hit state is typically a solid
fill of whatever shape you create. Usually it is the shape of the graphic
that is in the Up state, but it can be whatever you want it to be. If you
do not place a shape in the Hit frame, Flash uses whatever is in the
previous frame.

For any of this to work, the graphic must be defined as a symbol and the
symbol's behavior must be set to Button. Usually you take care of this when
first creating the button. If using a pre-existing graphic symbol for a
button, use the Copy function in the drop-down box of the library window
(small triangle in upper right corner of library window) to copy the
graphic, and immediately assign it as Button behavior. Then you can edit it
and will see the frames for Up, Over, Down, and Hit.

>, I use the third position of
>the button as a graphic. So it stay's like that when the url is loaded. I was
>glad I could work that out. But then..
>Is it true that there is no way to make that graphic clickable?

Even if not created as a button, if you apply button behavior to a graphic
symbol it will become clickable.

> No
>actionscript, JavaScript, FScommand, frameproperty that can influence this
>state? I have to know for sure, otherwise I have to make this menu in DHTML
>instead of Flash. People want the menu to be clickable all the time (because
>there are several levels where people can go to in the html-files of a
>menu-item). If there is a solution to this, where can I find some examples?

You have me wondering if what you mean is to make the entire Flash movie an
HTML hot spot. Instead, put the button inside the Flash and use actions
within Flash to define what the button does. You can use a button within
Flash to get URLs, send mail, talk to JavaScript (a bit more complex), for

Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com).
My Flash Portfolio: <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  FLASH: Flash3 Menu hit-state of button p, Svoeveren

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