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Subject: Re: FLASH: Rhino???
From: David Gary
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 20:06:44 GMT

Jean Dukate wrote:

> You can find it at www.rhino3d.com
> Unfortunately it is a PC app. However I have heard that some people have
> had success running it on a mac with some sort of additional software.
> Might want to contact the makers to ask them about this.
> Aside from being able to export via *ai. Rhino is really a nice modeler.

One more question if you dont mind Jean, Can you import ai format directly
into Flash3? Ive heard that some ai formats have to be converted in

Also does the ai "wireframe" imported image convert into FLash's "line"



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  Re: FLASH: Rhino???, Rusty Worden

  RE: FLASH: Rhino???, Jean Dukate

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