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Subject: Re: FLASH: Converting Flash Files to Video Tape (Beta SP)
From: Kristopher Schultz
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 03:17:05 GMT


Here's the deal with Flash to video transfer - something that the company
that I work for has done on more than one occassion...

There are 2 QuickTime export options from Flash - one labeled "QuickTime"
which exports a QuickTime movie with a Flash track (NOT what you want) and
the other is "QuickTime Video". This second option will let you choose the
video codec. You can use the Avid codec, however you WILL lose some quality
(although not a lot). We typically export as a series of bitmaps, but you
should also be able to use the Animation codec. This is a lossless codec
(when set to 100% quality). The files will be somewhat larger than with the
Avid codec but either codec will produce a file that is too big to email if
that is how you were planning on transfering it.

Also, VERY IMPORTANT is resolution. See, pixels on a computer monitor are
square whereas NTSC video "pixels" are non-square. How does this affect you?
Well if you export your Flash movie at 640x480 (4:3) it will appear to be
vertically scaled when it is laid to tape. This will be particularly
apparent with circles which will appear to be vertically oblong. Typically
our designers (when using Flash or Photoshop) will design at 720x540 (4:3)
and then export the final artwork at 720x486 (not 4:3). In Flash, the
resolution you're designing in isn't so important as long as it maintains
the 4:3 aspect ratio. It IS important that you export at 720x486, however,
to insure the maximum resolution and quality.

Finally, make sure you change any animated Movie Clips into Graphic symbols
(by changing the behavior of each instance). Otherwise, all your Movie Clips
will just display their first frame instead of animating when you render the
QuickTime Video movie.

I hope this is all helpfull! If you need any clarification, just ask!

kristopher schultz - mills james productions
programming : compression : management

@ www.millsjames.com - columbus, ohio

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  Re: FLASH: Converting Flash Files to Vid, David Wallach

  RE: FLASH: Converting Flash Files to Vid, Bill James

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