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Subject: Re: UKNM: Re : Customer retention.
From: Fiona Campbell-Howes
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 11:41:03 +0100

Kevin, I don't think it's down to the technology in itself - I buy a lot of
stuff and register for a lot of things online and the thing that puts me off
the most is bad usability and design, without a doubt. The way registration
forms are set out for example, is irritating in 90% of cases. Especially the
ones that say zip code, make you put in a county when you live in London,
only offer you "Mr, Mrs or Ms" as titles, make you scroll down to U for
United Kingdom etc. etc. Little niggly things by themselves but really
annoying when you have to sit through it all at once. I find that alienating
for sure - it's like "we don't care who, what or where you are, we don't
even know what country you live in, but give us your details so we can send
you loads of spam."

Then on the other hand you get things like Amazon's one-click buying, which
is great.

Satan's own technology, however, is IVR. There's no excuse for IVR at all,
it must be the greatest technological source of customer rage in existence.

And the final thing is companies that have totally separate call centre and
e-commerce operations. [warning: long whingeing anecdote ensues] I tried to
register with Next Directory on the Web, keyed in all my details etc etc,
only to be told at the end that for some reason they couldn't perform a
credit check on my address. So I phoned up the call centre and explained,
was told I had to register again, so gave them all my details again and
ordered some stuff. The stuff didn't turn up, so I phoned them again and
found they had no record of me existing. Turned out that this was because
they'd spelled my name wrong when registering me the second time. So I had
to register my details a third time. All this despite the fact that they
should have had all my details, spelled correctly, from where I registered
myself initially on the Web. Now that *is* crap, customer-alienating use of

Rant over.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin Lelland <klellandatlighthousepr [dot] com>
To: <uknmatchinwag [dot] com>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 10:36 AM
Subject: UKNM: Re : Customer retention.

> Hi,
> I've been reading the stuff on customer retention with interest. From
research I have been involved with it would seem that often technology is
coming between the company and its customer, rather than enhancing the
customer expereince. From research - Half the companies we surveyed agreed
with the hypothetical notion that technology COULD have a negative effect.
On the other side 46% of consumers said that companies' use of technlogy IS
actually making them feel more remote, with a further 31% sitting on the
fence. Add to this the 40% of consumers who believe that doing business with
these companies is getting too complicated and the picture for customer
relationships could be seen to be quite gloomy. This obviously doesn't bode
well for customer retention - what I am wondering is - does the group think
that a high percentage of web companies are really implementing technology
that makes things easier for customers?
> Kev.
> Kevin Lelland
> Lighthouse
> http://www.lighthousepr.com
> 35-37 Ludgate Hill
> London
> EC4M 7JN
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  UKNM: Re : Customer retention., Kevin Lelland

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