user centred design

What is This User Experience Thing?

What is this UX thing? Click to view entire comic

User Experience, aka 'UX', is talked about a lot within the web development world, yet I speak to many people who are still unsure of what it actually is.

I tasked my colleague Bonny with coming up with a simple explanation of what UX is and why it's important.  Her response came in the form of a comic.  It's pretty good!  I wanted to share it here to see if anyone else would find it useful too.

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User Centred Design: Techniques to Improve the User Experience

Learn how to understand your users better and design products which are effective, efficient and satisfying to use. This two day workshop will teach you user centred design techniques to help you complete projects to time and budget, getting the maximum return from your investment.

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Date: 13 September 2012
Location: System Concepts Ltd, UK

User Centred Design: Techniques to Improve the User Experience

Learn how to understand your users better and design products which are effective, efficient and satisfying to use. This two day workshop will teach you user centred design techniques which will help you complete projects to time and budget, getting the maximum return from your investment.

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Date: 19 April 2012
Location: System Concepts Ltd, UK

User Centred Design: Techniques to Improve the User Experience

Learn user centred design techniques help you systematically understand your users better and design effective, efficient and satisfying products and systems.

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Date: 21 October 2010
Location: System Concepts Ltd, UK

User Centred Design: Techniques to Improve the User Experience

Learn user centred design techniques to help you understand your users better and design products which are effective, efficient and satisfying to use.

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Date: 26 May 2010
Location: System Concepts Ltd, UK