second screen

Second Screening: Breathing New Life into the Living Room

third screen?

It’s one of the more popular narratives spun by technophobes and the perennially grim: the proliferation of mobile devices is facilitating an erosion of the very fabric of civilisation.

Naysayers delight in the perceived paradox that all of those social media platforms designed to bring people together are instead driving them apart. The online ego, they warn, is eclipsing the collective conscience via the promotion of a life lived inches from a pixelated screen.

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The Email Marketing "D-Spot"

reading on mobile

If your email marketing strategy doesn’t factor in mobile devices and your emails aren't mobile ready then your marketing communications are missing a fundamental trick.

Our research shows that 36% of all consumers are already reading marketing emails on a mobile device - and this rises to over half (55%) for 18-34 year olds. The way your emails look - and the volume and type of content within them - needs to evolve so that the content is as engaging on a mobile device as it is on a laptop or desktop computer. Finding the middle ground between both types of devices (the "D-Spot") is paramount - particularly with the rise of m-commerce.

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