Interested in Hosting an Event?

Social Media Week London currently has 40 confirmed events over the week (7-11th Feb 2011), but we’re still looking for more.

Rome have 70 confirmed events and New York are aiming for 125! Let’s not be beaten by the Americans or the Italians, let’s make London the best on both quantity and quality!

Making it Easy If you already hold regular events, the simplest way to get involved in Social Media Week is to use one of these, themed towards social media, as your event.  By doing this, not only will you be a part of Social Media Week events held globally, but you’ll also reach a wider audience than your regulars.

Agencies may find Breakfast Briefings beneficial, these will be held in the morning and will showcase and highlight recent developments and case studies around social media campaigns.  They also offer high value (in terms of reach/audience) for a low cost.

If you really want to create an impact, try hosting something new and innovative from presentations and panel discussions, to interactive workshops, seminars, networking events and drinks receptions.  To help you with ideas, we’ve included some further information below.

// Submit your Event now.

// Submit your Breakfast Briefing now.

What are the Benefits of becoming an Event Partner? There are obviously a whole host of benefits to becoming an Event Partner/putting on an event, and to some degree what you get out of the experience will depend on what you put in. Some of the benefits will include:

  • Engage your company or organisation in the conversation that is relevant to your cause or industry.
  • Amplify your message using the Social Media Week platform.
  • Attract brands and networks of relevant hyper-social influencers.

Themes and Topics In 2011, the global theme is Social Society: Exploring how local and regional societies, cultures and economies are becoming more integrated and empowered through a global network of communication.

To help structure the weeks events, there are also 4 Topic Stands:

1. People & Society: Education, Politics, Health care, Government, Environment, Public Information, Non-profits, Social Innovation/Entrepreneurship

2. Art & Culture: Art, Music, Food, Film & Television, Tourism, Sports, Gaming, Design

3. Business, Media & Communications: Enterprise, Publishing, News, Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Mobile.

4. Technology: Telecommunications, Audio/Video, Software, Energy, Consumer Electronics, Networks, Mobile, Open Source.

What Format should Events be in? Traditional conferences tend to focus on the predominant event formats: keynote presentations and discussions. While these are an important component of a conference experiences, Social Media Week strives to design new ways for people to share ideas, engage in dialogue and explore new concepts.

  • Panel Discussions
  • Speaker Debate
  • Speaker presentation or talk
  • Seminar or workshop
  • Fireside chat or interview
  • Pitching competition
  • Cocktail event or mixer
  • Awards show
  • Charity fundraiser

We’re very open to suggestions and all ideas will be equally considered.

Further Information Information and advice on speakers, ticketing/RSVP’s, Promotion and Event Production can be found here.

You can also get in touch with the Social Media Week London team by emailing smwatchinwag [dot] com or calling 0207 183 2923.

//Submit your Breakfast Briefing.

// Submit your Event.

Photo (cc) Benjamin Ellis