Mini Missions to Le Web and Other Tech Conferences. Interested?

School TripThere are so many wonderful conferences, some closer to our shores than others. Take LeWeb and SXSW Interactive, for example, not to mention plenty more.

Here at Chinwag, we thought it would be of interest for groups of UK delegates to visit these conferences on what we're currently calling "Mini Missions".  After all, from our experience with Digital Missions, going as a group can be mutually beneficial to everyone involved.

If you would be interested in joining a group, or have suggestions of other conferences you'd be interested in going to, please let us know using the form below.

Photo (cc) Don Barrett

The best email address to contact you on.

Which conferences would you be interested in attending within a group of UK delegates?

Any other European conferences you'd be interested in attending within a group of UK delegates?