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Subject: Re: streaming flash audio
From: ARK Ga�tan
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 11:14:56 +0100

Audiohost wrote :
> Roy:
> most of the times you have to create a "Wait for Frame"-loop before you start
> the *Streaming* sound. Depending on target bandwidth, and the length of your
> file, it's safe to start the file after 50 - 70% of the sound are loaded.
> Why is your approach to use Flash sound in Director instead of Shockwave?
> Greetings,

Hi, excuse my english, i'm french,

I would like to know how to create
the "wait for frame"-loop. Is this possible in flash
or is it a director function ?

greetings.begin: vcard
fn: ARK Ga�tan
n: Ga�tan;ARK
org: MCD-NET
adr;dom: ;;7, bis rue de la Poterne;Malli�vre;;85590;
email;internet: gaatmediacd [dot] fr
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard

  streaming flash audio, Roy Pardi
  Re: streaming flash audio, Audiohost

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