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Subject: Re: Flash format available publicly for free for developers
From: Mike Jones
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:48:14 +0100

I think we should all look at this in context, MM had no real choice.
Microsoft have teamed up with, amongst others Adobe, to launch their new
format, currently they're all working under the title of MMTF (Multimedia
Task Force) read about it at:

MSN have dumped Flash, probably in readiness for this format - which is
already in the version 4 IE browsers as protocols but not as one complete
file format.

If MM didn't open the format up, then the W3C wouldn't be able to add
leverage to the Flash format. As a plugin IE has no obligation to support it
if it feels it can live without it (Something that it has proved time and
again!) By opening up the format they don't really have a choice!

Remember we're "... just a little fish, in a big f****ing pond..."

After all Microsoft have all but killed off Netscape, so it looks like it
now wants a slice, if not the whole cake, that MM are currently "tucking"
into at this time.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

All that has really happened is that Microsoft are playing the game they
love. We know it as the "Screw you and the horse you rode in on" game.

So after we all finish off patting ourselves on the back and thinking it was
us that changed the world, bare a thought to the fact that we just "live"
here, people like Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and MM made our "homes".
Whether we agree or not.

ORG:Spooky and the Bandit
NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Spooky and the Bandit :=0D=0A=0D=0ASpecialists in Multimedia=0D=0ALeading Ed=
ge in Flash=0D=0A
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