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Subject: FLASH: Preloader Help
From: John Cocktosten
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 21:48:17 +0100

I have run into a bit of a problem regarding a preloader. I have a 200k
Flash presentation that consists of 10 movie clips. What I would like to do
is preload the first 100k, and let the second 100k stream.

In the past, my preloaders have consisted of a two frame loop, the first
frame checks to see if the _totalframes are loaded, and the second frame
loops back to the first. If I don�t want to preload the entire movie, I
replace _totalframes with a specific number, usually the mid point of my

Since I am entirely using movie clips, the main timeline consists of 13
layers but each contains only one frame. Here-in lies my problem. How can I
preload half of my presentation and let the rest stream considering the
architecture of my movie; there's only one frame on the main timeline!

Thanks in advance to anyone who can suggest a possible solution.


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  Re: FLASH: Preloader Help, Gregg Caines

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