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Subject: FLASH: Remembering variables after leaving a swf
From: Jurus
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 22:05:33 +0100

Thanks for the quick response. Answers below

In a message dated 4/5/00 1:32:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, bubaatalphenaar [dot] nl

<< That won't be necessary.
As far as I understand what your trying to do is that you have a flash
animation that has somewhere at the end of the movie some interaction which
results with a "get URL" action. which leads the user to a following page,
and your trying to create something that when the user goes 'back' on the
following page using his browser's 'back' button the user doesn't see the
animation anymore but a static frame that's also at the end of your

Yes, this is correct.

<< is this is right, if yes... then you're now thinking ways too complicated
:) >>

I thought so. I am open to anything that works better because this little
thing is
driving me crazy.

<< You'll only have to put a frame loaded command into the first frame of your
intro animation movie (as suggested earlier on the list). if the movie is in
the cache, then the movie is already loaded, and if you've got the
frameloaded command set up right to go to your latest frame. The user
doesn't see the animation anymore and will go straight to your latest frame
:) do you get it, or is the above in a very large grey area for you ? >>>

Yes, but the only problem is that the user never gets to see the animation
after that. This is the ultimate goal:

+ The user enters the site
+ The animation plays
+ The user presses a button which goes to an HTML link
+ When they hit back it goes to a static frame
+ When then hit back again, or when they re-load the movie, the animation
starts from the beginning, and the cycle is repeated.

I tried it by having the animation start and at the end, do a get URL to call
the static site, but it flashes a blank screen, delays a little bit and goes
the static screen which does not look very good. I tried using the get
variable commands below, but it didn't work.

<< p.s. why does the user have to use the 'back' button, is this a necessary
and usefull action to the user. seems to me it's useless interaction. >>

Yes, because the HTML links go to Corporate partner HTML sites, and the
client wants these links. If the user goes to the partner site, and then they
want to return to my client's site, they don't want the animation start over

I still can't figure out why the set variable will not work:

This is what I did:


On (Release)
Set Variable: "html" = 1
Get URL ("http://www.xxx.com/page.html")
End On


If ("html" = 1)
Go to and Stop (149)
End If


Set Variable: "html" = 0

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