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Subject: RE: FLASH: Preloader Help
From: Jason Bouwmeester
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 22:39:45 +0100

One way to do it is this... add a few empty frames and then split your movie
clips into two frames, the ones that you want to load first before it
streams into say frame 5, the rest into frame 6. Then do if frame 5 is
loaded, play, and frame 6 should stream.

Hope that made sense and hope that helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Cocktosten [jcocktostenathotmail [dot] com (mailto:jcocktostenathotmail [dot] com)]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 2:35 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: Preloader Help

I have run into a bit of a problem regarding a preloader. I have a 200k
Flash presentation that consists of 10 movie clips. What I would like to do

is preload the first 100k, and let the second 100k stream.

In the past, my preloaders have consisted of a two frame loop, the first
frame checks to see if the _totalframes are loaded, and the second frame
loops back to the first. If I don't want to preload the entire movie, I
replace _totalframes with a specific number, usually the mid point of my

Since I am entirely using movie clips, the main timeline consists of 13
layers but each contains only one frame. Here-in lies my problem. How can I
preload half of my presentation and let the rest stream considering the
architecture of my movie; there's only one frame on the main timeline!

Thanks in advance to anyone who can suggest a possible solution.


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