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Subject: Re: FLASH: list postings by category at flashlist
From: Helen Triolo
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 22:46:07 +0100

Gregg Caines wrote:
> Ever consider an HTML interface? You could have a popular site there...
> What are you using at the backend? ASP?
Yes, its an Access database and ASP. And yes, I consider using an HTML
interface at least once a day, as I'm tearing clumps of my hair out
trying to figure out actionscript's little quirks. But the challenge
(to me) was to see what I could do with Flash and ASP, and parts of it
obviously remain a challenge, so I'm keeping it in Flash for now. (The
HTML button was my one concession--so much easier to make links and
printable copy.) Maybe when I have enough free moments in a row (when
I'm 97), I'll make a tutorial out of it, if there's anyone left in the
world who doesn't know how to pass variables from Flash by then! And
about the popularity, though it's really gratifying to see people using
it, it's not really mine to be popularizing--all the usefulness comes
from people on the list after all. (Noble, eh? Guess I just don't want
any lawsuits from erroneous info in the database!) Thanks for the

helen triolo � http://i-technica.com
designerati-technica [dot] com � 301-424-6037

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  RE: FLASH: list postings by category at , Joe Shoults
  Re: FLASH: list postings by category at , Helen Triolo
  Re: FLASH: list postings by category at , Gregg Caines

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