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Subject: FLASH: Good graphics, Bad graphics.
From: Williams, Marcus
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 20:30:00 +0100

I've imported 6, high grade PNG images into Flash. Converted them to
Symbols. Placed them all in their own layers on the FIRST keyframe. When
exporting I use the 100% jpeg setting. (I'm not worried about load times...)

If I place them on the FIRST keyframe of the movie and DO NOT add any other
frames, keyframes or scenes, they look as good as the original image file.
If I add, even an empty frame, keyframe or scene anywhere in the FLA file,
those same images show an incredible amount of degeneration. It looks as
though their cut down to 20% quality.
The same degeneration happens if I put them on the second keyframe.

Please assist. Is this a bug in Flash ?
I see Flash movies out there that have incredible clarity using photo's that
are inside of SWF files.

Marcus Williams
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