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Subject: RE: FLASH: about: Flash 4 Magic
From: Jason Bouwmeester
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 15:55:57 +0100

What sucks about it is that the book rules but someone can't be honest and
shell out $45.00US for the whole book with the code, sure the code is on the
cd but granted, without the book, unless you are really good at programming,
it may take a bit to figure out. It would just suck if I went into a store
after you and they only had the 3 books that had no cd... but fortunately
New Riders/Macmillan was prompt in replacing my incomplete cd when I
contacted them about it, hopefully they are as good with stolen/missing

My 2 cents =0)

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Townsend [waynetatabsolute [dot] net (mailto:waynetatabsolute [dot] net)]
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 4:27 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: RE: FLASH: about: Flash 4 Magic

>Damn that sucks!
> >In 3 out of the 4 Flash 4 Magic books, the CD was stolen/ ie. ripped off.
> >
> >I got the last one with a CD intact.

Oh, why?

Well, ya know Jason, I take that as a good sign, actually.

There's no doubt about it that the Flash-4 Magic book rules.

I've seen 'em all. But those F4Magic guys give the audience actual
code. I like that.
This ain't brain science. And it's a definate word up' when the
newbies can get some code to use. Code I like at that.

And here's the key- the code they give out will lead to much better stuff.

Let me again say it-
thx, Scott. I love what you're doin' for them.

/back to work...


Wayne Townsend
Founder, CEO, AccessOn
waynetataccesson [dot] net
Alt: waynetatabsolute [dot] net
studio: 760.329.2369 (US)
cell: 760.902.5299 (US)

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