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Subject: Re: FLASH: Scaling entire movie..
From: Hal Medrano
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 18:24:29 +0100

>Does anyone know how to scale the entire movie?? So that all the clips and
>graphics along the whole timeline are scaled to a proportion of the size?

Unlock all your layers, select the "Edit Multiple Frames" box on your
timeline, slide the sliders out to select your entire movie, select all
(Cmd + A), and move or scale anyway you want. If you have lots of frames
and lots of bitmaps, your machine may dog a bit, but this is the way to do

Hal Medrano
New Media Group
U S WEST Creative Services

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  RE: FLASH: Can someone have a quick peep, David Jacobs
  FLASH: Scaling entire movie.., Glen Rhodes

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