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Subject: Re: FLASH: Pan/Mask effect
From: Robert Bleeker
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 01:23:01 +0100

Is possible, just be careful of the BG image size as that will really slow
it down when you move it.

Your ideas for coding sound pretty well right. I would not loop the main
timeline but setup a separate empty MC that loops two frames and executes
the actionscript on each loop. Using the separate MC for this frees up your
main timeline.


on 14/4/00 9:45 AM, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media at
mailatdartfrogmedia [dot] com wrote:

> I'm trying to code this in Actionscript but probably need a working example
> to learn it. This is based on another Flasher's question earlier today, but
> is an attempt at a solution that's in a different direction.
> Effect: drag a window around the stage, have a background image show
> through only where the window is.
> Problem: a dragged movie clip cannot act as a mask for a lower layer
> (otherwise this would be a piece of cake!).
> Possible solution (but one which I don't know exactly how to code):
> - Put the background image in a lower layer of a movie clip. Make it a
> movie clip itself, so it has an instance name and can be moved around using
> SetProperty of _x and _y;
> - Above that background (also in the movie clip) put a mask that lets the
> background show through.
> - Make this whole structure (movie clip) draggable by putting an invisible
> button over the mask area;
> - Make the main timeline a 2-frame loop. Use ActionScript in the first
> frame of the main timeline to constantly monitor the (dragged) position of
> the movie clip and to move the nested movie clip (the background image) in
> the reverse direction of the drag, so that as you drag the parent clip to
> the left, let's say, the nested background movie clip shifts to the right
> and, therefore, the masked part is the left part of the background.
> If anyone understands this (does it sound like I'm from Mars?) and
> understands the code, could you help out?
> thanks,
> Marc Hoffman
> Poison Dart Frog Media
> http://www.dartfrogmedia.com

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  FLASH: Pan/Mask effect, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

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