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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash Projector -- Cross Platforms??
From: Brad Bechtel
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 19:53:40 +0100

It is possible to create Flash projectors on the Windows platform that can be executed on the Macintosh platform and vice versa, but not in the way Neil Weinberg tried. The correct way to do this is through the Publish settings (File > Publish Settings). In the Formats tab, select Windows Projector (.exe) and/or Macintosh Projector (.hqx).

If you are creating a Macintosh projector on a Windows computer, you'll get a binhexed file containing the additional information a Macintosh application needs to be an executable. Once transferred to the target Macintosh, the binhexed file must be uncompressed (using Stuffit Expander or a similar utility) before it can be executed on a Macintosh.

One other "gotcha" - Macs handle memory allocation for applications differently from Windows PCs. Depending upon the amount of graphics and sounds used in your movie, you may need to change the memory allocation of the projector. This can only be done on a Macintosh; it's easy, though - select the file and choose Get Info, then select the Memory option from the Show: dropdown and adjust the memory allocation as needed.

Remember - test early, test often, test on all supported platforms. If you'll be delivering on a Macintosh, test on a Macintosh. If you'll be delivering on a PC, test on a PC.

Flash QA

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  FLASH: Flash Projector -- Cross Platform, Neil Weinberg
  Re: FLASH: Flash Projector -- Cross Plat, John Brzys

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