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Subject: FLASH: Internet Dev Stds for Flash vs HTML
From: Maria Koppi
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 22:39:46 +0100

Need some feedback on what designers and developers
think about creating a corporate internet site purely
in Flash. The end-users coming to this site will
basically be other corporate bodies of various sizes
(from 1 employee to 100's of employees). It's an FYI
type site with less than 20 pages of content.

Should an HTML version also be provided for those who
either do not have the Flash player; or for the
community that just doesn't want the Flash version to
appear every time? If I design/develop just a Flash
index page, should I also develop an alternative HTML
page (thinking otherwise there will be NO navigation
to the remainder of the site otherwise)?

I'm thinking I would just hate to ward-off potential
clients/customers just because they do not have the
Flash player (regardless of what Macromedia's stats
show, MANY folks out there are running older PC's with
older browsers, and MANY do not have the saavy
experience of downloading and installing a
plug-in/player onto their PC, comfortably).

Not to mention Flash is not search-able by the major
search engines, unless every section is broken out
into separate movies, i.e., separate html pages

Thoughts, concerns, industry standards?

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  Re: FLASH: Internet Dev Stds for Flash v, Michael Dunn

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