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Subject: Re: FLASH: Opinion poll
From: Brian
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 17:21:58 +0100

>Apart from not agreeing with your actions (Two separate clients are
two-separate-clients! Surely, it is unprofessional to hold one company to
ransom because of the actions of another!), are you saying that you give
away the .FLA source file when you complete a job??<

Didn't say that... haven't done anything of the sort.
My point was: The .FLA file will need to be administered to in order for it
to call the various links that it will need to call on the website that the
LN people are going to create for the FSH gal. This means I'm going to have
to work with the LN people to get this done. And if I've not been paid for
my work for the LN people, I'm not really going to want to help them do
anything, let alone surrender the .FLA file, which I've been told more than
once here over the last couple of days I should not do. So if the FSH gal is
working with the LN people to get her website up, what rock and a hard place
am I going to be stuck between IF I don't see some cash here quick?

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: Opinion poll, Jules Welek

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