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Subject: Re: FLASH: Variables from one swf to another . .
From: Q. Paradigm
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 23:53:54 +0100

In Flash all variables live within an independant timeline (that means
either the main timeline or a movie clip).

To reference variables that are in other timelines than the current one your
code is in, you simply give a path to that variable followed by a colon and
then the name of the variable. I can be relative usine ../ and such or it
can be absolute, starting from the main timeline and going down.

The exception to this rule is loaded movies... there you have to use the
full path.

For example to reference the variable foo that lives within the main
timeline you would simply say:


-= Branden J. Hall
-= Multimedia Developer/Instructor
-= Fig Leaf Software - "We�ve got you covered!"

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