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Subject: Re: FLASH: Sound on/off question and Easiest way to check content in text fields that have.
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 16:50:03 +0100

At 06:54 AM 4/20/00 , you wrote:

>First off i've got a movie with a play, load and stop buttons for my sound.
>I'm loading my background sound into level 1. i've got stop and start
>labels in whichever background sound movie i load to keep them all
>consistent. the bg sound are full length songs so instead of using the
>usual start/stop sound method I'm streaming it. Ok All the buttons work
>great locally but as soon as i upload it to the server the stop button
>quits working, the play and load ones work perfect still. I've tested it
>on multiple computers locally and on the net and its the same on all of
>them....it works locally but when uploaded it stops working. Makes no
>sense to me =). I've deleted the whole site on the server re-uploaded it
>cleared my cache and it still doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas? Oh
>yeah i'm using the tell target command to communicate between the movies.

Would have to know how you have the start and stop labels arranged and what
the TellTarget commands are. Should work fine. Actually you can stop the
sound by pausing playback, e.g.:
Tell Target (_level3)
End Tell Target

and resume playback at the same place with
Tell Target (_level3)
End Tell Target

Tell Target (_level3)
Go To (frame label: stop)
End Tell Target

should work fine -- make sure you don't use Go To and Play. "Stop" should
be a blank frame at the beginning of the timeline. Maybe you are using a
frame at the end -- if the entire movie hasn't loaded, Tell Target won't
find the later frame.

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media

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  FLASH: Sound on/off question and Easiest, Bill Numerick

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