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Subject: FLASH: Netscape 6 is a DISASTER
From: sahlan cherpitel
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 17:25:23 +0100

i've been wanting to post this for a couple of days.

please forgive me if i offend anyone, yet i feel offended by the (to me)
insidious way AOL seeks to infiltrate one's computer space without
permission, as well as mucking up all sorts of other stuff in the process

downloaded 'preview' of Netscape 6 for mac a couple of days ago, hoping it
would solve my MIDI problem which wasn't playing in NS on mac

i feel it really is a disaster & wonder if other mac users, at least, have
found the same

it is blatantly stamped with AOL, & i assume the windows version is no

first it makes you register a user name, and won't accept anything that
doesn't have one of its netscape user codes in it

then it works at crawling speed making my 300 G3 into a 16 mhtz Performa

then it crashes & crashes & causes lock up

then after disk first aid does its 5 minute duty, NS comes back wanting to
know what caused the crash, so you fill out the note (which is not so bad)
but then it still refuses to work properly

interface: sorry, i go for the "my netscape" or "my" anything on these
things---maybe that's makes the 22,000,000 aol users feel appreciated but
what makes me feel appreciated is simply stuff that works right

the bookmarks still aren't renameable, although it imported the whole batch
from IE5 without my giving it permission (a minor thing but very aol)

right now with this & my recent bad experience trying to give my 14 year old
daughter aol so she could chat with friends (even though she says they all
say, 'aol sucks') i'm turning into a pro-microsoftie

IMHO AOL has totally ruined netscape

now why doesn't someone like linus tovalds invent a really super good stable
browser & become the savior of the internet?

kind regards


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  Re: FLASH: Netscape 6 is a DISASTER, Thorvald Neumann
  Re: FLASH: Netscape 6 is a DISASTER, Brian

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