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Subject: Re: FLASH: div embed and IE on Mac
From: Mathias Wollin
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 00:23:28 +0100

on 26.04.2000 0:07 Uhr, Jose M. Rubio/DoubleYou at joseatdoubleyou [dot] com wrote:

> Mmmmmm........
> Maybe that's not the more elegant solution but, who knows... If you are able
> to track the mouse position, you can destroy the layer and create it again
> in the new coordinates the mouse has moved to. Do that every time the mouse
> has moved, say, between ten and twenty pixels and you'll get a nice movement
> illusion.
> I'm not sure about if it will work with a big movie. I've only tried it with
> a 15 k and worked fine. I think there should be no problems since the movie
> is already loaded.
> Of course, here it's involved a lot of Javascript, but, hey!, you're working
> for IE on Mac :-D

What do you mean with "destroy the layer"? I want to move the flash from
x=100px y=100px to y=200px y=200px for example (with JavaScript). I'm doing
this by setting the document.name_of_the_layer.style.left and
document.name_of_the_layer.style.top position of the layer where I put the
movie into. That works on IE 4/5(WIN) and NS4(WIN/MAC) but not on IE(Mac).
There the layer moves to the new position, but the embed still remains on
the original position. Only when you're resizing the window, IE moves it to
the new position.

Seems there is no workaround out there for that problem, isn't it?


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  Re: FLASH: div embed and IE on Mac, Jose

  Re: FLASH: div embed and IE on Mac, Jose M. Rubio/DoubleYou

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