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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash Storyboarding Resources???
From: brzys
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 01:44:06 +0100

You don't sound stupid Corduroyv, it's an honest question, and it deserves
an honest answer. Also known as a paste-up, layout, markup, dummy (really),
example, etc., what you show the client before committing to actually
creating a project. You make cells of each scene describing what they want
with writing and captions, colors, anything that pertains to the project.

I prefer to do it on paper, and I also create them in Illustrator, but when
I print them I print them large so the client can draw on them, add
comments, changes, get a good look at it. It's for that reason, I like to
draw them out, I also carry my markers with me, lay them on the table and
expect the client to write all over it, change it to their liking. It saves
time and tons of emails and phone calls. Besides that it encourages the
client to add their designs to the basic concept already given to me and
created on paper.

Just my time on the soapbox!

Mary Brzys

----- Original Message -----
From: <Corduroyvataol [dot] com>
To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash Storyboarding Resources???

> what is ment "storyboarding?"
> sorry to sound stupid?
> john
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  Re: FLASH: Flash Storyboarding Resources, Corduroyv

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