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Subject: Re: FLASH: Salaries
From: Toby Tremayne
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 02:56:43 +0100

First of all my apologies if I'm rabitting an old problem but Ive not been
able to find the solution anywhere...

I have a flash movie on a web server. It works fine. However I recently
overwrote it with another flash movie, the same thing but with some
changes. It refuses to show the changes. No matter how many times I
refresh it doesn't change. I KNOW for a fact that the new verison is up
there.... I even installed brand new browsers and they showed the old
version also.

I've been told by the people here that this is a regular problem, and that
somehow the server seems to cache the flash movie itself. No matter how
many different browser/people/machines/locations I try it shows the old
version - but that verison doesn't even exist on the server anymore.

I am responsible for R&D among other things, and I've been looking about
for a fix for this - any takers? Or at least does anyone know a way to
manually refresh the things?

Any ideas at all would be very well received...


Toby Tremayne
Show Ads Interactive
Ph: (03) 9245 1222
Fax: (03) 9646 9814

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  RE: FLASH: Server caching [was] Salaries, JGL

  RE: FLASH: Salaries, paul wehner
  Re: FLASH: Salaries, Neal Cabage
  Re: FLASH: Salaries, Branden Hall

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