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Subject: Re: FLASH: Reminder: Teach your old SWF new tricks!
From: Nigel Randsley-Pena
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 13:32:25 +0100

Hi JD,

I was quoting from and referring to the devguide.pdf. A nice short doc
that has all anyone needs to know and that if read would avoid about 99%
of the latest posts on the SHOCKER-L list, you know the ones about the
remote popping up...
I don't think Flashers have been trying the new remote features, or else
unlike the director guys they tend to read the docs ;), because this
hasn't come up on the list yet.
Anyway a quick 1-2-3 on how to make your flash movie controllable and
saveable with the remote. This is a condensed and abridged version taken
from the devguide and refers only to Flash movies.
Step 1 - Changes in the production phase :
Add a one frame blank layer on your first scene. Give it the label
'remoteSavable' , without the quotes of course. This will tell the
remote that your movie can be saved. If you don't want it to be saveable
don't add this label.
Use this same layer/frame to set these two variables 'movieAboutInfo'
and 'movieCopyrightInfo' set these to whatever you want or need. This
information will then appear in the remote.

Step 2 - Changes in the html :
This is a two step process because you have to make changes to the
object and embed sections.
For the object tag we have a new parameter that is a bit different in
that it has more than one possible sub value. The parameter is
<PARAM NAME=swRemote VALUE="swTarget='true' swPicon='picon.bmp'
swPackage='package.txt' swTitle='Your Movies Title'">
I didn't use all possible sub values in the above example as it's just
to show how it can be used. The main sub value is swTarget, in Flash the
default is False so if you don't use the swRemote param your movie will
behave like it did before, i.e. not saveable and not controllable by the
Changes to the embed tag are very similar to the above so we would have
something like this :
swRemote="swTarget='true' swPicon='picon.bmp'...."
One thing to notice in both cases is the enclosing " and the use of '.
If you only want your movie to be controllable under the remote then
don't use the remoteSavable label and use swTarget='true'. This will
cause the remote to popup when your movie starts.
If you want your movie saveable the use the remoteSavable label and
please read the devguide to understand proper usage of the other sub
values of the swTarget key.
In fact before trying this out read this doc as it also explains in
detail other stuff like the proper width and height size for your movie
if you want it to play in the ShockMachine.
<Tip> If you trying this and it does not work check that you used the
label 'remoteSavable' and not 'remoteSaveable' in your movie. I lost
nearly two days with this one 'error'.</Tip>


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  Re: FLASH: Reminder: Teach your old SWF , Nigel Randsley-Pena

  Re: FLASH: Reminder: Teach your old SWF , John Dowdell

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