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Subject: Re: FLASH: Preloading
From: Marc Hoffman (Dart Frog Media)
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 09:29:56 +0100

At 04:40 PM 8/6/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Still creating the flash web site here and I'm a little confused about
>preloaders. I read somewhere that if you have a big web site, you should
>break it down to 50 kb each and have it load one after another. Does this
>really work?

Theoretically, yes, but you lose the advantage of a shared library (movies
cannot share the same library of symbols). The time to use load movie is
when there are large blocks of content called by the user in unpredictable
order. In that situation, Load Movie allows them to load what they want to
see without waiting for a lot of other content to load first.

>So I'll just make a bunch of 50 kb swf files and make it have the same
>background all teh way through and animate each one?
>Also I would use load movie on the last frame?

This takes some planning. You always want to load stuff as soon as
possible, but you wouldn't want a later movie to compete for bandwidth
while an earlier movie is still loading. If you wait til the last frame has
played, however, you'll have an unneccessary delay in starting the next
movie. You can load movies ahead of time if they stop in a blank frame and
wait to be told to play when needed.

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  FLASH: optimizing .swf using reports, Marco Alvarado

  FLASH: Preloading, Angeline Geronimo

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