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Subject: Re: FLASH: Publish 3 and 4
From: Nigel Randsley-Pena
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 00:21:42 +0100


"Why? Why do this? Just say RUSS?"

Because I was replying to Kevin's post. I have very strong views on this
matter that I will not expose on this list for the same reason I had
not yet posted a reply to any of your earlier mails on this subject.

"Ridiculous? How is this ridiculous? This is genuine concern for
users, who
are not me and may not be aware of what could happen to them. A
is a hard thing to build, especially in the freelance world, and I do
know of many full-timers specializing in Flash right now. I could be
on it, but think a bit deeper on the subject and you can see how this
little "ridiculous" issue could have some real bearing on someone."

Ok, so we are talking about publishing Flash movies, right ? A Flash3
movie under Flash4 with proper html. I understand what you are talking
about. A professional Flash user choses export as Flash3 and let's the
html template on default. OK, he will be producing a Flash3 movie that
requests a Flash4 player. If this professional user does not know what
he is doing and finds it strange that the update kicks in when the page
is viewed from a browser with a level 3 player then in fact this
professional user is a diletant. I know this is rather harsh and I
understand the in the States you might have more relaxed requirments,
but if you are being paid for your work then you should know what you
are doing.

"Furthermore, the SW702 is the farthest thing from ridiculous. It's an
uphill battle that *has* to be fought, and I'm beginning to wonder if
seen that, either. Call a matter of opinion, but what do you do when
it's a
client opinion versus your own?"

I did not say the SW702 was ridiculous I said and maintain that some of
the discussion around it is. I would like to know what issues with SW702
have not been taken up by Macromedia and that you see as concerns.
Please refer to Macromedias statement and list of corrections as
outlined in DM's phased approach and include only those that are not
addressed. It will, I think be far more productive than the recent
Macromedia bashing we have seen of late, that has evolved into personal
bashing showing how devoid of reason it is.

As for the rest of your post I will abstain to comment further.


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  Re: FLASH: Publish 3 and 4, Robert Koberg

  FLASH: Publish 3 and 4, KJ
  Re: FLASH: Publish 3 and 4, Nigel Randsley-Pena
  Re: FLASH: Publish 3 and 4, Russell E. Unger

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