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Subject: FLASH: Re: Intercommunication
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 00:53:44 +0100

At 3:48 PM 8/1/0, Laura Mollett wrote:
> John Dowdell wrote:
>> Sidenote: Terry Schussler recently came up with a new hack in this player
>> intercommunication area... instead of asking the browser to catch messages,
>> he uses the Shockwave Player's built-in MultiUser Xtra in peer-to-peer
>> mode... he has multiple player instances talking directly to each other,
>> without needing the server or the browser to pass messages. Kinkiest thing
>> I've seen all month.... ;-)
> The MultiUser Xtra is a director thing, yes? But it would work for
> Flash movies (as long as the user had the full shockwave plug-in?)
> Or will it only work for Shockwave (Director) movies?

Yes, the Shockwave Player can be extended with auto-installable Xtras on
demand... the hookup code for such extensions would be a signficant
fraction of the entire Macromedia Flash Player!

(What the MultiUser Xtra does is more than just polling-based text chat...
it can send and receive media elements directly too. The peer-to-peer
capabilities are what allow multiple Shockwave instances in a page to talk
to each other without relying on the browser or server.)

I haven't worked through Terry's example yet, but I don't see a way this
could be used for multiple instances of the Flash Player in a page, sorry.
You *could* always have one instance send a message to the server and then
have the other instance poll for waiting messages, but....


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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