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Subject: RE: FLASH: Re: sitecheck: client reports problems I've been unable to reproduce!
From: Jason Cartwright
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:28:34 +0100

Looks great m8 - I can't reproduce the problem you are having as I am using
a couple of kilostreams.

I am having another problem however - on my PIII 550, 265meg RAM, at
1600x1200 using IE5.5 its jerks real bad at some points in the movie - esp.
when the content scrolls open - maybe you should consider restricting the
physical size of the movie to stop this happening. It would jerk even worse
on a slower machine


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Shuster [BobatprotonMEDIA [dot] com (mailto:BobatprotonMEDIA [dot] com)]
> Sent: 02 August 2000 15:58
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: FLASH: Re: sitecheck: client reports problems I've
> been unable
> to reproduce!
> Sorry, the correct URL is http://protonMEDIA.com/AE/loader17.html.
> There are a few changes. Same problem though.
> And yes, the sounds were all recorded in their factory! -
> Bob Shuster
> >Hi all. I'm hoping this is just some problem with my client's
> >computer, as I have been unable to reproduce his troubles by any
> >means.
> >
> >Here's the skinny: The client's website (in progress) has a loader
> >that loads a separate SWF intro. After the intro, the same loader
> >loads the main menu SWF. (There will also be an HTML version of the
> >site with a front end to allow folks to choose which version they
> >wish to view - working on that now.) The loader SWF is fairly
> >small, the intro SWF is about 200K or so, and the menu SWF is large
> >- a little over 500K.
> >
> >I've checked it many ways, on 56K dialup, on 650K DSL, with old and
> >new Macs, old and new PCs, all recent and current browsers. No
> >problems. My client has a 500MHz Pentium 3 PC and AOL 5.0 dialup
> >access. I suspected his problem might be with the size of the 500K
> >menu file, but it occurs midway through the 200K intro! From what
> >he describes to me (he's a computer neophyte) it appears that the
> >entire file has loaded by the time he reaches the problem point. I
> >currently have the loader set to load approximately 85% of the
> >frames before playing. At any rate, there is an animation of a
> >laser stylus cutting out their logo. When it's done cutting, the
> >logo lifts up from the surface it was cut out of and becomes a 3D
> >object. It's at this point that the object pauses for several
> >seconds. This shouldn't happen and I can't figure out why it is!
> >
> >Here's the temporary URL:
> >
> >http://protonMEDIA.com/AE/loader16.html
> >
> >Any thoughts? This is really bugging me! Could it simply be his
> >video card? (I don't know what it is - but the PC is fairly new.)
> >Could this be an AOL problem? I appreciate any input! - Bob
> >Shuster
> --
> -=< protonMEDIA - the future of web design! >=-
> -=< email: BobatprotonMEDIA [dot] com phone: 215-721-8798 >=-
> -=< website: http://www.protonMEDIA.com FAX: 215-721-8643 >=-
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  FLASH: Re: sitecheck: client reports pro, Bob Shuster

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