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Subject: FLASH: Flash: I need help with Tell Target
From: Chris Tifer
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 04:26:57 +0100

Hello everybody,

I've used Flash before, but I always put it down because
it gets so frustrating that I can't do the simplest things in
it. For example, below is the URL to a zip file (only like
21k) and in it is what is supposed to be a simple movie.


On the main timeline there are 3 layers.

Bottom Layer has just a blue border.
Middle layer has an MC with a name of "Engraved_Erwin"
Top Layer has these actions:

Begin Tell Target ("/Engraved_Erwin")
Go to and Play (2)
End Tell Target

Now, in "Engraved_Erwin" I have a "Stop" action in
frame 1 and my motion tween doesn't occur until
Frame 2... Hence, the reason I call frame 2.
(I also have it labeled as "Play_Me" and tried to go
to that label, but that didn't work either).

None of this is working and would REALLY appreciate
if someone can point out what I'm doing wrong here.


Chris TIfer

I leave the Output window open and no errors are generated, until
I try to change the Tell Target to an obviously wrong name.

Hurry, my hairs are dwindling!!!!!!!!!

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