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Subject: RE: FLASH: question on masking text
From: Paul Willoughby
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:06:05 +0100

Not sure if anyones responded to this yet, but there's a good text ticker on
Moock's site www.moock.org . There's no need to use masks the way he does

-----Original Message-----
From: Springer, Steven [Steven [dot] Springeratimgusa [dot] com (mailto:Steven [dot] Springeratimgusa [dot] com)]
Sent: 28 July 2000 22:12
To: 'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'
Subject: FLASH: question on masking text

I've seen it done, and I know that I've masked text before, but I've read
you can't mask a text field. Lately, when I've tried, the text doesn't show
up. I'm trying to get text to only appear inside a certain region, where it
"appears" to scroll, ala ticker method. Has anyone had this problem before,
and is there a way around it? Thanks.


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