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Subject: Re: FLASH: how do you make a draggable mask?
From: AndrewScratch
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 14:17:41 +0100

>Can anyone advise me how to make a draggable mask?


Sorry if this got your hopes up, but I asked the same question a week back. Branden Hall had an excellent example several weeks (months?) ago, but at that time I wasn't even up to the level of using masks at all. Now that my skills have matured a bit, the "magnifying" part of it is cake...but I still can't make it drag properly.

I'm going to play with it a little today, and if I get it working I'll let you know. If YOU get it working, please post!

Andrew Brown

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  Re: FLASH: how do you make a draggable m, Markus Joos

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