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Subject: Re: FLASH: What am i doing wrong? (asp and flash)
From: Helen Triolo
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 03:41:02 +0100

> here is the flash button code
> *************************************
> On (Release)
> Load Variables ("../ResidentialListings.asp",
> "", vars=POST)
> Set Variable: "Zone" = "R"
> Get URL ("../ResidentialListings.asp",
> window="main", vars=POST)
> End On

Change to either
Set Variable: "Zone" = "R"
Load Variables ("../ResidentialListings.asp", 0, vars=POST)


Set Variable: "Zone" = "R"
Get URL ("../ResidentialListings.asp", window="main", vars=POST)

depending on whether you want to return control to the Flash movie (1st
option), where you can check for a value returned from the asp, or pass
control to the asp file (2nd option). (I usually use the 2nd option
first to test that things are working and then switch to the 1st).

> ***************************************
> here is the SQL statement.
> ***************************************
> strSQL = "SELECT DevelopmentName, LandID, CityID,
> DevelopmentWebsite, DevelopmentPrice,
> DevelopmentBedrooms, DevelopmentBathrooms,
> DevelopmentSqFeet FROM Developments WHERE ZoneID =" &
> Request.Form("Zone") & ";"
> ****************************************

and change that to
strSQL = "SELECT DevelopmentName, LandID, CityID,
DevelopmentWebsite, DevelopmentPrice,
DevelopmentBedrooms, DevelopmentBathrooms,
DevelopmentSqFeet FROM Developments WHERE ZoneID =" &
Request.Form(" & chr(34) & "Zone" & chr(34) & ")"
> Here is the error
> ***************************************
> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
> '80040e10'
> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few
> parameters. Expected 1.

This is my favorite MS error message -- it means that something is wrong
with your sql statement but lord only knows what. Nothing about 1
parameter or anything even vaguely close to that.

Helen Triolo � http://i-Technica.com � 301-424-6037
Flash Q&A archive � http://i-technica.com/flashlist

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  FLASH: OT - MS error codes. Had to menti, Chris Tifer

  FLASH: What am i doing wrong? (asp and f, Flash Casey

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