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Subject: FLASH: Landed contract
From: Dana Johnson
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 05:12:57 +0100

Hey Helen T., Branden H. and don't let me forget Cheri H. and others

Remember the grocery store scanning piece I did last February for the uk store "Sainsbury", well I just found out, we got the contract!!! :)
good stuff
thanks to all who helped on the issues that I was facing

also: working on integrating flash xml and cold fusion right now
when Flash 5 get's here will convert some of corporate site to flash/generator/xml since site is asp/xml anyways.

much love

p.s off to vbits in sept "Orlando"

Dana E. Johnson
Sr. Web Developer
Commercial Investment Trust(CIT)
VTF/Vendor Technology Group
dana [dot] johnsonatcit [dot] com (Mailto:dana [dot] johnsonatcit [dot] com)
AIM # pr1smiley

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  Re: FLASH: Landed contract, Cheri Harder
  RE: FLASH: Landed contract, Branden Hall

  Re: FLASH: TEXT IN FLASH - HELP !, Helen Triolo

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