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Subject: Re: FLASH: tell when a webpage has loaded
From: Catherine Kunicki
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:19:17 +0100

Thank you : ) I knew there had to be a javascript god on this list



> <body onload="functionName()">
> Then, your function would be:
> function functionName(){
> //Put your code in here.
> alert("All Done")
> }
> Simple enough for you? You were on the right track. Of course,
> 'functionName can be changed to whatever you want, as long
> as both instances are changed to the identical instance.
> Just be aware that not EVERY browser will pass this event, but
> 90%+ is good enough. The others, I have no clue on how to
> determine if the page has completed loading. I don't even
> believe there is a way.
> Chris Tifer

> Hi.
> I'd like to make sure that all the text and images in a page have loaded
> before my flash begins.
> Does anyone have a javascript example they can point me to? Or a script
> which has worked for them? I poked around at a few javascript sites and
> searched newsgroups and it looks like I need an onload() function to
> determine if the body of the html has loaded.
> I also dug around at Macromedia in the technotes, but the stuff I found
> there wasn't what I need.
> I haven't used javascript at all so please use the real simple words : )
> Thanks
> catherine


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