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Subject: Re: FLASH: Lip-syncing
From: Jeremy Romero
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 11:58:22 +0100

I kind of missed this whole lip-syncing topic..
could someone catch me up on what the issue was about?


At 02:05 PM 8/4/00 -0400, you wrote:
> > > Wow ... so you're looking for something that will auto-detect vowel and
> > > consonant sounds in a wav file and drop in your mouth charts
> > > Yikees. Tell me what you come up with! :)
> > > - Ryan Creighton
> >
> > Oh, oops. I read the other email first, then this one and didn't consider
> > detecting it in a wav file... I think - couldn't you type the text in for
> > flash to detect (have it get the text info for changes) and then set the
> > and the movie to sync? I can't think of any way flash could be told to
> > the sounds in the wav - it doesn't do anything but play them.
>Everyone, thanks for thinking about this issue.
>I wasn't trying to suggest anything about what direction to take in this,
>just wondering if anyone had had any dealings with anything similar.
>Interesting ideas so far (as much as I understand them), but my skill level
>is likely way below what I'd need to chase after any of them.
>It may come down to: "Pay, or no way."
>I don't have ANY idea just how much work there'll be on this project... I'm
>investigating in a vacuum.
>-Brian Matthews
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  Re: FLASH: Lip-syncing, James Poulakos
  Re: FLASH: Lip-syncing, Brian

  Re: FLASH: Lip-syncing, Laura Mollett
  Re: FLASH: Lip-syncing, Brian

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