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Subject: RE: FLASH: Opinions on Flash
From: JGL
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 14:47:03 +0100

That's funny as I was thinking along those same thoughts too.

You know, there is a lot of merit to this idea and some Flash sites could be
set in a pseudo flash built browser with all the standard controls that the
developer controls. It's a great idea and maybe fun to work with.

Passive Usability

I have heard all the arguments for and against so called intuitive
interfaces and agree with points from both sides. I like to sort of have to
discover how the hell to navigate a site. Especially when it is creative and
original. I like seeing new ideas in flash that create new and innovative
interfaces for navigation . . . but . . .

Passive Usability is key to *some sites* and Internet Presence purposes.
There should be *no* question as to how to move around and gather what you
seek at these particular sites. It should be presented in such a way that it
just comes natural for the surfer and they cruise through your site
absorbing your intent (content). Not trying to figure out how to use it.

This is as much a design issue as a technical one.

One thing we as interface designers have is the standards that have been
formed. Like the browser controls. And the standards of linking that are
prevalent at most every high traffic content delivery site, the hyper link.
These things are familiar to surfers and they know what to expect when using
these controls. Except the Browser Back Button when at a Flash site . . .

I like Brians idea because of the fun and effective possibilities. In fact,
this is close to creating a flash browser without actually having one. A
standard IE/NS like tool bar at the top with all the other 'on page'
navigation. But it is not without potential pitfalls - many of which could
be worked out via accurate browser/OS detection.

Yeah, I think I'll give that one a whirl on this one little project I'm
working on. I guess it's time to Download Opera too.

Sounds like fun . . .


-----Original Message-----
Hey, I have an idea:

When you surf into a Flash site, is it possible to automatically make the
browser window full-screen?
If so, what if you designed the top of your Flash page to look just like the
browser control bar at the top?
If I'm not mistaken, you can detect what browser someone is using...?
Then couldn't this info be used to tell the Flash file which browser button
bar you've created to load up with the file?
Then you have the best of both worlds - a navigation interface everyone is
used to, but navigates intuitively within your Flash site.
Some of this sounds tricky, but it doesn't seem to be outside the realm of
possibility, from what I can gather from all the great info I've gotten off
this list.

-Brian Matthews

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  FLASH: Camp Chaos, Brian
  RE: FLASH: Opinions on Flash, Ken Lanxner

  Re: FLASH: Opinions on Flash, Brian

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